How to Deploy Nextcloud on Kubernetes

This tutorial will walk you through the steps to deploy Nextcloud on Kubernetes cluster using Helm. We’ll be using k3s, a lightweight Kubernetes distribution. We’ll assume that you’ve already installed k3s and Helm on your VPS.

Nextcloud is a self-hosted cloud storage platform that allows you to store and access your data securely. It provides a plethora of features, including file sharing, collaboration tools, and much more. While Nextcloud can be deployed on a standalone server, the real power comes from deploying it on a Kubernetes cluster. This provides scalability, high availability, and efficient resource utilization.

Step 1: Setting up the Environment

Let’s make sure your environment is configured properly before we begin. Use the commands below to examine your k3s and Helm installations:

How to Deploy Nextcloud on Kubernetes

The version information for both k3s and Helm should be visible. If not, you should set them up by referring to this guide.

Step 2: Creating a Namespace for Nextcloud

Namespaces in Kubernetes provide a scope for names and are a way to divide cluster resources between multiple users. Let’s create a namespace for our Nextcloud on Kubernetes deployment:

kubectl create namespace nextcloud

Step 3: Adding the Helm Repository

Next, we need to add the Helm repository that contains the Nextcloud chart. A chart is a collection of files that describe a related set of Kubernetes resources. Run the following command to add the repository:

helm repo add nextcloud https://nextcloud.github.io/helm/
helm repo update

Step 4: Configuring the Nextcloud on Kubernetes Deployment

We must set up a few settings before deploying Nextcloud on Kubernetes, such as your VPS’s external IP address and the desired domain name. Values.yaml files are used to set these parameters. Create a new values.yaml file and fill it with the following information:

  type: LoadBalancer
  loadBalancerIP: <your-external-ip>

  enabled: true
    - host: nextcloud.your-domain.com
        - /

  host: nextcloud.your-domain.com
  username: <your-username>
  password: <your-password>

Replace <your-external-ip> with the external IP address of your VPS. Also, replace nextcloud.your-domain.com with your desired domain name, and <your-username> and <your-password> with your preferred Nextcloud credentials.

Step 5: Deploying Nextcloud on Kubernetes

We are now prepared to launch Nextcloud. To install Nextcloud using Helm, enter the following command:

helm install nextcloud nextcloud/nextcloud -n nextcloud -f values.yaml

This command will deploy Nextcloud on your Kubernetes cluster. It might take a few minutes for the deployment to complete.

How to Deploy Nextcloud on Kubernetes

Step 6: Verifying the Deployment

Once the deployment is complete, you can verify it by running:

kubectl get pods -n nextcloud

You should see a list of running pods related to Nextcloud. If all the pods are in the ‘Running’ state, congratulations! You’ve successfully deployed Nextcloud on Kubernetes.

Nextcloud on Kubernetes Deployment

Step 7: Access Nextcloud

Once the DNS is properly configured, you can access your Nextcloud instance by opening a web browser and navigating to your domain. In our example, this would be:


Step 8: Log in to Nextcloud

You should now see the Nextcloud login page. Use the username and password you specified in your ‘values.yaml’ file during the installation process to log in.

Log in to Nextcloud

And that’s it! You should now be able to access and manage your files on Nextcloud from anywhere, right in your web browser.

Final thoughts

Deploying Nextcloud on Kubernetes provides many advantages, including scalability, high availability, and efficient resource utilization. With Helm, the process becomes even more streamlined.

Remember, this guide assumes a basic understanding of Kubernetes and Helm. If you’re new to these technologies, it’s recommended to familiarize yourself with their concepts and terminologies.

By following this guide, you’ve taken a big step towards a more robust and scalable cloud storage solution. Enjoy exploring the myriad of features that Nextcloud offers and the flexibility of managing it on a Kubernetes cluster.


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