How to Deploy MongoDB on Kubernetes

This tutorial will walk you through installing MongoDB on Kubernetes cluster. We’ll assume that you’ve already got K3s and Helm set up on your machine. The deployment of applications like MongoDB on Kubernetes cluster is made easier by the Kubernetes package manager Helm.

Before getting too technical, it’s important to understand what MongoDB and K3s are and why they work well together.

MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database program that is open source. Because it uses documents that resemble JSON and have optional schemas, it is categorized as a NoSQL database program. MongoDB is developed by MongoDB Inc.

K3s, on the other hand, is a lightweight Kubernetes. Installing it is simple, and the binary is only less than 100 MB in size. It’s excellent for developers interested in using Kubernetes for IoT, Edge, and Arm.

For managing and storing the data for your application, MongoDB and K3s together offer a strong, scalable, and effective solution.

Preparing Your Environment

We must make sure that our environment is properly configured before we can deploy MongoDB on Kubernetes. This involves making sure the Helm and K3 installations are functioning properly. Run kubectl get nodes to see the status of your K3s cluster. Run the helm version command to validate Helm’s installation.

How to Deploy MongoDB on Kubernetes

Deploying MongoDB on Kubernetes

We can now deploy MongoDB on Kubernetes because our environment is prepared. Helm offers a MongoDB chart that makes deployment easier. Check out these steps:

Add the Bitnami Repository

Helm charts are offered by Bitnami in a well-maintained and frequently updated repository. The repository contains the MongoDB chart. Run the following command to add the Bitnami repository in your Helm installation:

Update the Helm Repository

Update Helm after adding the Bitnami repository to make sure it has the most recent chart list:

helm repo update

Install MongoDB on Kubernetes

Now that everything is ready, you can use the Helm chart to install MongoDB. Run the command line:

helm install my-mongodb bitnami/mongodb

This command will deploy MongoDB on Kubernetes cluster with the default configuration. The installation process may take a few minutes.

How to Deploy MongoDB on Kubernetes

Verifying the Deployment

After the deployment, you can check the status of the pods to make sure MongoDB is functioning properly. Run the command line:

kubectl get pods

The MongoDB pod should appear in the list with the status “Running.”

check MongoDB on Kubernetes pod

Final Thoughts

With the help of Helm, installing MongoDB on a K3s cluster is simple. With this configuration, your applications will have a solid basis thanks to the scalability and reliability of MongoDB and K3s. It’s important to note that the guide’s default configuration is not appropriate for use in real-world settings. Before implementing the configuration in a live environment, you should adjust it to meet your unique requirements.


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